Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why Women are thin skin and men are thick skin

Science says that skin of the women is thinner as compared to the skin of the men. "And has a extra fat layer below it for more warmth in winter and provide greater endurance."* This is the reason women have more wrinkles as compared to the men.

Question is raised why men skin is thick skinned and women skin is thin skin?

In the past, man has played the role as a hunter. So he "needed desensitised skin to run through prickly bushes, wrestle animals and fight enemies without pain showing them down."* This is the reason when modern "men is focused on a physical task or sporting activity, he unlikely even to be aware of injury"*

But in the past women played the role as a child-bearer. so she needed a thin skinned to create better relationship between her children.

Science says that "most of boys sensitivity to touch is lost by the time he reach puberty and his body prepares itself for the rigours of the hunt. A boy doesn't really lose skin sensitivity at puberty, it just goes to one area"* of his body that is his sexual organs

Reference Books:

  1. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  2. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006(* page no. 34)

Sensitivity Difference Between Men and Women

Science Says that sensitive power of women's skin is more as compared to the men's skin. "From birth, girls are dramatically more sensitive to touch and, as an adult a women's skin is at least ten times more sensitive to touch and pressure"* as compared to man's skin.

Can you describe in details?

We know that, in our skin which  is around two square meters contains 2,800,000 receptors for pain, 2,000,000 receptors for cold and 500,000 receptors for touch and pressure.

The hormones is called oxytocin "stimulates the urge to be touched and fires up our touch receptors"*. So due to oxytocin hormones the touch and pressure receptors of women is ten time more sensitive as compared to the touch and pressure receptors of men. And also for women "attach so much importance to cuddling their men, children and friends"*.

One thing you remember "women love 'staying in touch' and dislike those who 'get under your skin'. They talk about 'feeling', giving someone 'the personal touch', being 'touchy' and annoying people by 'rubbing them up the wrong way?"*

Science says that "under pressure men avoid touch and retreat into their own world."* But under pressure, women love touch "not for the sex, but for the intimacy of touch."**

"Other research found that women who were neurotic or depressed recovered much more quickly according to the number of time they are hugged and the duration of the hug."***

When a women says to a man 'don't touch me'. It means she is either emotionally cut off to the man or may be angry a man. So my friends to win her heart you must "use lot of appropriate touching but avoid grouping"**.

Reference Books:
  1. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  2. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006(* page no. 35, ** page no. 36, page  no.34)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Why Men Can't See Butter in the fridges and Women Hit the Car in the front and Back

We know that men have long distance tunnel vision and women have wide peripheral vision.

Can you tell what is advantages and disadvantages of long distance tunnel vision and wide peripheral vision?

Generally when men open the fridge for butter of jam etc. they can't see. But when women come, they quickly find the jam or butter in the fridge.

Again question is rised why women can see butter or jam in the fridge but men can't ?

We know that women have wide peripheral vision. Due to this vision it allow them to "see most of the contents of a fridge or cupboard without moving her head."*

Science says that due to oestrogen hormones she easily " identify matching item in a drawer, cupboard, or across a room and later remember objects in a complex random pattern - such as where the butter or jam is in the refrigerator."*

Due to the tunnel vision man can't see the butter or jam in the fridge. And also science says that when a man searching butter or jam in the fridge, he actually "searching in the fridge for the word B-U-T-T-E-R"* or J-A-M. " If it's facing the wrong way, he virtually can't see it"*. Not only this "men move their heads from side to side and up and down as they scan for the missing objects."* This is the reason when men searching an objects, he move their head. This is the disadvantages of the man's long distance tunnel vision.

In a statistics of a car insurance companies tells that in an accident women are hit less in the side as compared to men.


Because " women greater peripheral vision allow them to see traffic approaching from the side. They are more likely to be hit in the front or back of the car while attempting to reverse parallel park"*. But due to long distance tunnel vision men less hit front or back of the car.

Reference Books:

  1. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  2. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006(* page no. 24)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Why men and women get this types of vision difference

In my mind a question is raised how women developed wider peripheral vision and men developed long distance tunnel vision?

In the past women has a played a role as home improvement committee or nest defender, so she " needed eyes to allow a wider arc of vision so that she could monitor any predators sneaking up on the nest"*. So she developed wider peripheral vision.

In the past man have played role as a lunch chaser and a hunter, so he "needed vision that allow him to zero in on, and pursue, targets in the distance. He evolved with almost blinked vision so that he would not be distracted from targets."* So he developed long distance tunnel vision.

This is the reason "why modern men can find their way effortlessly to a distance pub, but can never find things in fridges, cupboards and drawers."*

Reference Books:
  1. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  2. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India (2006)( * page no. 22)

Why Women are wider peripheral vision and men havr long distance tunnel vision

Not only women have more white fibrous coat and more variety of cone-shaped cells in the retina, but also they have wider peripheral vision as compared to the men vision.

Science says that women are wider peripheral vision and men are long distance tunnel vision.

Can you explain what is women's wide peripheral vision and men's long distance tunnel vision?

Science says that woman brain is programmed for wider peripheral vision. It means she can "receive an arc of at least 45 degree clear vision to each side of her head and above and below her nose. Many women's peripheral vision is up to almost 180 degree."*

And science says that men brain is programmed for long distance tunnel vision. It means he can "see clearly and accurately directly in front of him and over greater distance. almost like a pair of binoculars".* And also science says that the eyes of the men are larger as compared to the eyes of the women.

Reference Books:
  1. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  2. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India (2006)( * page no. 21)

Vision Difference Between Men and Women

Modern science says that men and women vision is also different.


In our eyes, the eyeball is covered by a thin layer is called Fibrous Coat. The colour of fibrous coat is white. It allows in the eyes for the movement of the eye balls. And also help "the direction of the gaze which are vital to human face-to-face communication"*. The fibrous coat of the women eye display more white as compared to the fibrous coat of the men eyes.


"Because close-range personal communication is an integral part of female bonding and more white allows a greater range of eye signal to be sent and received in the directional that the eyes moves"*.
Science says that women can describe more colour details as compared to the men.


We know in our eyes the retina contains from 110,000,000 to 125,000,000 rod - shaped cells is called photoreceptors. The rod-shaped cells (photoreceptors) handle black and white. And also our retina contains from 63,000,000 to 68,000,000 cone-shaped cells. The cone - shaped cells handle colour.

Science says that in our body X chromosomes provide these cone-shaped colour cells. We know that women have two X chromosomes and men have one X chromosomes. It means women have two X chromosomes, so they have more variety of cone shaped cell as compared to the men. This is the reason "a man will use basic colour description like red, blue and green, but women will talk of bone, aqua, teal, mauve and apple green."*

Reference Books"
  1. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  2. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India (2006). (* page  no. 21)
  3. Dr. Krishna Kant Pandey, "Rachana sharir (Comprehensive human anatomy)" , Varanasi: Krushnadas Academy,1993
  4. Dr. Krishna Kant Pandey, "Kriya-Sarira (Comprehensive Human physiology) ", Varanasi: Krushnadas Academy
  5. Dr. Chintamani Kara "Higher Secondary Psychology Part-1" New Age Publication, Cuttack, 2007 (Oriya)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why Teachers and Parents Complained Boy's don't Listen

Teachers and parents complained everywhere boys are not listening.


Because science says that when a boy grows "particularly approaching puberty, their ear canals undergo growth spurts then can cause a temporary form of deafness"*.

In the school" if a girl refuses to keep eye contact while the teacher berates her, a female teacher will continue the reprimand. If a boy refuses eye contact, many female teacher intuitively understand that he probably either can't her or is not listening, and will say 'look at me when i speak you' ". This is the reason "female teachers have been found to reprimand girls differently to boys"**. This is the reason why "female teacher have been found to reprimand girls differently to boys"*

Reference book
  1. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006(* page no. 31 and ** page no. 32)

Why Women Read between the lines or men can't

Allan and Babara Pease wrote very simple language, so i just copy what they wrote in their book. "Women have superior sensitivity in differentiating tone changes in voice volume and pitch. This enables them to hear emotional changes in children and adults. Consequently, for every man who can sing in tune, there are eight women who can do it, This is the ability goes a long way to explaining the women's phrase, 'Don't use that tone of voice with me!' "*

Why women has ability to read the lines and men can't?

Because in the past she played the role as a home-improvement committee, she needed a brain software for read between the line of adult, children and other women for creating better relationship. But in the past man played the role as a lunch-chaser and a hunter, so he didn't need for this work.

Reference Books:
  1. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", HapperCollins Publishers, India (2008)
  2. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  3. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006(* page no. 30)

Hearing difference between men and women

Hearing  power of women is better as compared to hearing power of men.

Science says that  for listening, men generally use their left brain. But for listening, women use both left and right brain. And also "the female brain has the ability to separate and categorise sound and make decision about each sound"*. But male brain can't do it.

So what is the benefit to know the hearing difference between male and female brain?

For listening women use both brain and "ability to separate, categorise and make decision about each sounds"*. Due this ability she can do multitasking. It may be "listening to one person in face-to-face communication while monitoring another person's conversation."* Or It may be she can answer the phone call, at the same time she watch TV, may be making dishes.

But for listening men generally use left brain and they can't separate, categorise and make decision about sounds. Male brain is programmed for single tasking. Due to this ability men can do only one things at a time. This is the reason, when he answered the phone call " he demand people stop talking, music is tuned down and the TV is switch off"*.

Science says that women "are excellent at distinguishing high pitched sound."**  From past she have been playing as a role as a child-bearer, so her "brain is programmed to hear a baby cry in the night."** In the night when a baby cry baby's mother wake up, but baby's father "may be oblivious to it and sleep on"**.

"If there is a kitten crying  in the distance a women will hear it"** but she difficult to talk which direction sound come from, but men can easily talk her, where the sound come from,

Why male brain is programmed for the direction of sound?

Because in the past, he played role as a hunter. For hunting, he needed superior spatial ability and directional skill.

Why women brain is programmed for multitasking?

Because in the past she played role as a child-bearer, nest-defender and home-improvement committee, so she needed a brain software for multitasking.

Reference Books:
  1. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", HapperCollins Publishers, India (2008)
  2. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  3. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006(* page no. 30 and ** page no. 29)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How We Got This types of Brain

I understand what is masculine characters and what is feminine characters. But i want to know how we got this types of brain.

"Our brain might have developed the way "$ what our forefather "had defined roles to ensure their survival "$


The way started when our forefather had lived in caves. In that time our male ancestors go out "each day into a hostile and dangerous world to risk his life as a hunter to bring food back to his woman and their children, and he would defend them against savage animals or enemies."* So our male ancestors slowly "developed long distance navigational skills. So he could locate food and bring it home"*. He also developed "excellent marksmanship skills so that he could hit a moving target"*. Our male ancestors job description is very clear: "he was a lunch-chaser and that's all anyone excepted to himself"*

At that time "our female ancestors gathered food near the home and cared for the children."$ So they gradually "formed strong emotional attachments to their children and other women, on whom they depend when the men were hunting"$. They played role as the child-bearer so she gradually developed "to be able to monitor her immediate surrounding for signs of danger, have excellent short-range navigational skills, using landmarks to find her way, and have highly tuned ability to sense small changes in the behaviour and appearance of children and adult."*

Modern science says the women gradually developed heir brain to a talker.


Because " by letting other know about her problem, she would make it easier to get their support. Unless she talked others simply would not know what she needed"$.

At that time men gradually developed their brain to a silencer.


Because man has played the role as a lunch-chaser & hunter and "the hunt will conducted with a series of non-verbal signals and often the hunters would sit for hours silently watching for the prey."**

When he faced fear, he couldn't showing other. Because when he was sharing his fear to other, other men thoughts  he was a weak, unable to lunch-chaser and also was a coward. So when he was danger, he needs to stay quiet much of time and solve his problem in his own way.

"Our brain developed with gender difference to ensure our survival. These adaptions have been taken thousand years to occurs. It is unrealistic to except our brain to change suddenly to adopt to the vast changes in our gender roles in the last fifty years. These changes are at the core of stress"$ and that is the main reason to break the relationship and families. " If we are thrive and not just survive, we need to update our relationship skill in a way that reflect our natural ability, tendencies and needs."$$

Reference Books:
  1. John Gray "Why Mars and Venus Collide" Harper Element, London (2008)($ page no.  37& $$ page no. 38)
  2. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  3. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006( * page no. 13 and  ** page no. 76)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Feminine Character

Can you explain what is feminine character?

Feminine character means "love, communication, beauty and relationship"*.


Because " They spending a lot of time supporting, helping and nurturing"* each other. It means feminine character " is defined through their feeling and the quality of their relationship."*

Women like " living together in harmony, community and loving cooperation"*. They think "relationship is more important then work and technology"*. Communication is most important part of their life. "To share their personal feeling is much more important then achieving goals and success. Talking and relating to each other is the only source to feel good about herself."*

Women are inborn psychologist and very good counselor. So they are " involved in personal growth, spirituality and everything that can nurture life, healing and growth."**

They always "pride themselves in being considerate of the need and feeling of others"**. For women point of view " a sign of great love is to offer help and assistance to another"** without being asked." When women "care about someone, they freely point out what can be improved and suggest how to do it"**. It means in feminine characteristics " offering advice and constructive criticism is an act of love"** to show each other.

Her brain is programmed for ' How -do-I-Improve ther realtionship' .

Reference Books:
  1. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", HapperCollins Publishers, India (2008)(* page no. 18 & ** page no. 19)
  2. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  3. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Masculine Characters

Men and women are different, i understand. Can you explain, what is masculine character and what is feminine character?

Masculine characters means "power, competency, efficiency and achievement".* Men "are always doing things to prove themselves and develop their power and skills".*  It means masculine character "is defined through  their ability to achieve results".*

They like "outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing and racing cars"* rather than "romantic novels and self help books"* . They are "interested in 'objects' and 'things' "* such as "powerful cars, faster computers, gadgets, gizmos and new more powerful technology"* rather than "people and feelings"*.

Question is raised why "men are interested in objects and things?"*

Because these things "can help them express power by creating results and achieving their goals."*

Question is raised again why "achieving goal is very important"* for men?

Because "it is a way for him to prove his competence"* and "feel good about himself."* When he is " achieving these goals by himself not by someone else then he feel good about himself "*.

Men always wants "handle his problem on his own ways"**. So he "rarely talk about his problem"**.

Question is raised why men couldn't talk their problem?

Because he thoughts why i " involve someone else when i can do it by myself?"** So"he keep his problem to himself"**

Again question is raised "why he keeps his problem to himself"**?

Because in masculine characters dictionary talking about a problem means showing your weakness. And in the men world "talking about the problem means an invitation for advice?"**

When he can't solve his problem then he "will find someone he respects and then talk about his problem"**. Then other man "fell honored by the opportunity"** and give some advises. "This is his way for showing love and trying to help"** each other in the men world.

"A men brain is organised to evolute and understand objects, their relationship to other objects, spatial relevance, how it all works and solution to problems. His brain is programmed for a 'how-do-I-fix-it?' response of life. Men use this 'fix-it' criterion in their approach to almost everything they do."# So this is the reason why John Gray says men are called Mr. Fix-it.

Reference Books:
  1. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", HapperCollins Publishers, India (2008)(* page no. 16 & ** page no. 17)
  2. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  3. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006.(# page no 148)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why govt. says men and women are equal

Men and women are different, i understand.

But in my mind a question is raised, if men and women are different, then why government advertise 'boys and girls are equal'. This is opposite to each other.

In your mind, you see the difference, but in my mind i can't see the difference.

You don't understand my question. I explain briefly, if science says that men and women are different, then why government says men and women are equal and vice versa.

In my mind what science says that is correct and what government says that is also correct. But you don't understand what science says and what government says. I explain you "men and women should be equal in term of opportunities to exercise their full potential, but they are definitely and identical in their inmate abilities. Whether, men and women are equal is a political or moral question, but whether they are identical is a scientific one"*

I tell you what is the meaning of government says. Government say that "Men and women should have equal  opportunity to pursue a career path in any field they choose and that equally qualified people should receive equal compensation for the same effort"**

Actually in this case, you don't understand, what is the difference between equality and difference. "Difference is not the opposite of equality. Equality means being free to choose to do the things we want to do and difference means that as men and women we may not want to do the some thing"***

Reference Books:
  1. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006. (* page no. 7, ** page no. 8, ***page no 9).
  2. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", HapperCollins Publishers, India (2008).
  3. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)

Men and women are different

You know, science says that men and women are different, it may be scientific, medical, psychological or sociological study.

Question is rised what is the difference between men and women?

The answer is simple " not only do men and women communicate differently, but they think, feel, perceive react, respond, need and appreciate differently. They almost seem to be different plants, speaking different languages and needing different nourishment"*.

OK, but in my mind again a question is raised " Why men and women are different?"

"This is a complex question to which there are many answer, ranging from biological difference, parental influence, eduction, and birth order to cultural conditioning by society, the media and history"**
 Reference Books:
  1. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", HapperCollins Publishers, India (2008)(* page no. 7 & ** page no. 5)
  2. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  3. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India 2006.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why everybody must read this blog

 "Men and women are different".

We know very well men and women are different. Then what is new?

OK,  tell what is the difference between men and women?

This is a Child question. In this world, every person, even a child give you the answer.

OK, tell.

The answer is simple, see me and my opposite sex, you will find the answer.

I don't understand what do you say? Please clarify.

Men and women are different in the physical appearance and their reproductive systems.

Nothing more?


OK, tell if male and women are different in their physical appearance and reproductive systems, then how we see in the society some men and women are homosexual, bisexual and transsexual. And why they behaves differently. It means men and women are not only different in their physical appearance and reproductive system, but also they are different in their thought also.

So you must know what is the gender difference between men and women.

 Reference Books:
  1. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", HapperCollins Publishers, India (2008)
  2. John Gary "Men, Women and relationship" 2nd edition, Hillsboro OR: Beyond Words (1993)
  3. Allan and Barbara Pease, "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, India.